Email Myths and Misconceptions - Part Three

What does the new Chips Ahoy marketing director do on her first day on the job?

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Backups for cloud applications, including Mailchimp!

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Over the last two months, I have written about email Myths and Tips. Part One - myths one to six - focused on using email campaigns, Part Two - myths seven to eleven - looked at deliverability.

Part Three, today - myths twelve to fifteen -  is about maintaining good email campaign health.

If you didn’t engage in squirrel chasing last month, I will put this fun little list back here. Enjoy “50 Well-Known "Facts" That Are Actually Just Common Myths”, set to open in a new tab, of course. I don’t want y’all leaving my post yet… 

Number “28 Lightning never strikes twice.”

I can say firsthand that this is not true. Well, I can’t attest to the location part of this, but a family member of mine has lived to tell the tale of being hit by lightning three times -which explains a few things about him…

Myth Twelve: Not Paying Attention to Analytics


Sending emails is enough; tracking metrics isn't necessary.


Analyzing key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates is crucial for understanding the success of your campaigns and making data-driven improvements.


I also use my analytics to see where my unsubscribes come from. Since I do some sponsored posts, I can also use these analytics to market my spots. You may not be thinking about having your post sponsored, but you never know who may want to co-brand with you down the road - once you get good at getting your musings out.

Myth Thirteen: You Have Time And Resources To Manually Export Backups


You can use exports to back up our Mailchimp data.


Exports may pose challenges due to their substantial size, complexity in organization, and the difficulty associated with restoring them. Additionally, maintaining an up-to-date backup requires disciplined manual efforts.

Rewind Solution: 

Each day, Rewind’s automated backups will provide swift recovery from data issues, enabling your business to maintain seamless operations without requiring regular manual intervention.

Myth Fourteen: Misjudging Email Deliverability


Once an email is sent, the job is done.


Ensuring good deliverability is an ongoing process. Regularly clean your email list, use double opt-ins, and follow best practices to avoid being marked as spam.


I mentioned this in the previous article, but here I go again. Cleaning up your lists helps avoid placeholder (personalization tools for dropping in warm fuzzies like names) mishaps.

Myth Fifteen: Overlooking Segmentation


Segmenting email lists is time-consuming and unnecessary.


Segmenting your audience based on various factors such as demographics, behaviour, and interests allows you to send more targeted and relevant content, leading to higher engagement.


I have a few segments that work well for targeting my message. You could segment your lists by your services (personal tax vs corporate tax clients, for example) and by new vs long-time clients. I mentioned last time that email campaigns are terrific for onboarding new clients and employees, so those would also be segmented lists.

Myth Sixteen: Ignoring Mobile Users


Most people check emails on desktop, so mobile optimization isn't crucial.


A significant portion of users check emails on mobile devices, myself included. It's essential to optimize your emails for various screen sizes to ensure a positive user experience.

Hypocrite admission:

Two pages on my website we recently worked on were a hot mess on mobile for a wee bit! I love them on desktop and tablet, but we are being dogged about mobile optimization. Though we are almost there on mobile optimization, it’s been a big build to fix them! 

I hope the last few posts about Email Myths And Tips have been helpful.

I have had pretty darn good success with my email marketing, and I hope to convince you to start writing to your audience, delivering them more successfully, and cleaning up your campaigns. 
Along with realizing that just like backing up QBO using Rewind, you need to back up your Mailchimp data with Rewind (for free right now!).

Data location redundancy is not something to take lightly since our cloud-hosted apps back up aggregated user data, not individual account data.

Featured Template


Featured Template ~~~

15% off discount code: BLOG

Onboarding Workflow & Communications Spreadsheets - Revised February 2025

Onboarding a new client is an opportunity to set the stage for a collaborative relationship.

Drop the ball during this critical process, and they may question their decision to add you to their trusted business team. Not to mention the wasted time and energy for you.

It takes immense energy and time for you to get the processes & systems mapped out tightly.

Luckily for you, we’ve already done all the leg work! Created by accounting professionals, these spreadsheet templates make onboarding your new client harmonious and efficient.

What You Get:

  • Email templates

  • Google Form questionnaires with logic jumps (to vet the fit of prospective clients and gather key information)

  • Contracts (need to be legally vetted for your region)

  • Best Practice Notes

  • Checklists of tasks & to-dos (as a live link to a downloadable GSheet and enclosed in download as Excel formatted files)

This is a kickin’ start-to-finish onboarding system: vet clients, gather info, engage and smoothly integrate clients into your tech stack.

Realize Community Technology Implementation Workshop Series

All sessions 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 - Form Building to Craft Seamless Information Gathering

Wednesday, Apr 24, 2024 - Building Slide Decks To Craft Communications

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - Implementing A Password Manager App

Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024 - Implementing/Improving An Online Schedule

Just because it’s simple does not mean it’s easy!

It may seem obvious that you must implement or improve your processes and technology choices for the above workshops. Still, many of us haven’t because we need support and accountability to get them done. Fires are burning, and it is easier to deal with those if you haven’t committed to a group setting to get schtuff done.

So commit! Join us! Let’s get schtuff done!

These live sessions will not be recorded due to the sensitivity of some of the sharing (and caring) that will happen. But there will be workshop materials to download and refer to.

This is a Realize Community event series. You must be a member to participate.

I highly recommend you join Jason Staats's amazing group - you will love it there!

Simply yours, Kellie :-}

::Shameless Call To Action::

I sell bookkeeping templates, standard operating process handbooks and client guides.

15% off discount code: BLOG

Kellie Parks, CPB

Cloud Process Creator

I craft processes and automation for future-thinking accounting professionals who believe in the mightiness of online technology.

I want every accounting professional to love running a cloud-based business as much as I do. 

Embracing the cloud requires effective best practices, consistent communication, and efficient processes, systems, and workflows. That's why we have dozens of pre-built templates to take the pain out of creating optimization in your firm.

Certified or partnered in over a dozen cloud applications, Alumni Intuit International Trainer Writer Network and the FreshBooks Partner Council.

I am a runner, water/snow skier and live-music fan.

I’m always wondering what you would do more of—outside of work—if processes, automation, and apps gave you your life back.

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