Hiring Sucks

And retaining staff ain’t no picnic either.

But today is only about finding team members.

This week’s note is short and sweet.

It’s to the point on how to find team members.

Actually, it’s two the point - it features two hiring options you should check out.

I “don’t do hiring consulting” and personally only have 1 team member (she’s kickin’ - I’m a lucky duck). But I see so many people struggling with this and since I am a fan of these programs below, I wanted to share.

Cloud Accounting Jobs is an app developed by Chad Davis and his crew at Liveca.ca.

A niche job board for the international cloud accounting community

Benefits to employers:

  • Higher quality candidates (all it takes is one!)

  • You're able to showcase the apps, perks and job types that typical job boards don't allow

  • Your new jobs will be sent to job seekers that fit their custom alert schedule using 12 different search criteria (apps, job type, country, salary, category, firm size, etc).

  • Add your own apps and perks if they're not listed

Benefits to job seekers:

  • Mandatory salary ranges

  • Jobseeker alerts (daily/weekly/monthly)

  • 12 search criteria fields

  • Project/gig/short term projects

Chad trusted me enough to have me run through the program while it was in beta.

I found it simple and intuitive to post a job and to apply to them.

Side note: I didn’t hire me :-}

Find Our Bookkeeper is a program developed by Susan Watkin, a fellow Intuit Trainer/Writer.

Accounting recruitment specialists connecting Canadian businesses and accounting/bookkeeping firms with qualified bookkeepers that are right for their industry specialty, their needs & business goals.

Benefits to employers:

  • No more guesswork

  • Peace of mind

  • Verified skills and experience through rigorous intake forms and testing

    Benefits to job seekers:

  • Skills assessments to pair with employers

  • Education resources

  • Community of bookkeepers

I personally took their test and ran myself through the entire process from start to finish.

I highly recommend it for bookkeepers seeking work and employers seeking great bookkeepers!

I host an iterating resource page.

Apps and programs of all shapes and sizes.

You can check out ones directly related to education and coaching programs here.

Hiring, bookkeeping skills, marketing, scaling your practice through start-to-finish programs, courses, group sessions…

Word of the week

Do this.

All the time - processes & systems, workflows, best practices, techniques… - change ‘em up, don’t become stagnate.


- said in your head in a loud sing-songy voice

Again with Chad Davis, but the man is incredibly generous with his knowledge and drive to lift our industry up.

He caught wind of a member of The Workflow Wateringhole struggling with automating (#Zapperating) the process of a client’s invoices Xero dropping into a monthly Google Drive folder. So what did he do? He got on the horn with my constantly iterating friend Trinity and walked her through how to do it!

Trinity figures she gained 40 minutes a month of her life back because of Chad’s help with this Zap. She has 4 school-aged kids - she needs every second she can get!

Community is da bomb, no?!

I was hosted on the Karbon Accounting Leaders Podcast recently.

If you like ski-chatter and podcast hosts trying to keep their guests on track, then tune in for a listen.

Podcast airs Feb 30, 2022.


CPB Canada BC Regional Meeting: Be Bossy-Nice

How to get over being a pushover; fostering collaborative client relationships

We've all been there - allowed someone (or possibly many-ones) to cross our limits and overstep on expectations.

Perhaps you've even had the "Bookkeeper-Booty-Call" - the client calls & emails coming in day & night to which you feel the need to respond immediately?

  • But does the problem lie with the interloper?

  • Or is the problem that we haven't decided on our boundaries and then crafted communications to tell our clients about them?

CPB Canada members-only event - one more reason to join this fabulous association! CPD credits eligible.


AccountingWEB Summit Live!

I am so excited about this event. Not just to learn & grow from the sessions, but to network and gig-out in real life with my colleagues.

And how about that it’s on a private island in San Diego!

You can read more about the event here. Or stop overthinking, and just register!

Oh! Did I mention it’s on a private island in San Diego - hello! How fun is that?!

What’s Cooking?

It’s tax season for many of you reading this. Hmmm, maybe the people in the thick of busy season aren’t reading this at all…

At any rate, if you find there is no time to whip up a healthy meal I recommend this.

  • Buy a pre-made bag of salad - almost anyone will do - instead of a pre-made bag of chips

  • Toss on some roots, shoots and berries for protein and flavour - chopped hard-boiled eggs are great too

Easy dressing to make ahead, instead of the packaged ones.

  • 1 cup extra virgin olive oil - use really good oil, do not skimp on quality for this

  • 1/2 cup any vinegar, lemon or lime juice - I love rice vinegar (not to be confused with rice wine vinegar)

  • 1/4 cup honey

  • 1 heaping tablespoon grainy Dijon mustard

  • 1 heaping tablespoon of any fresh herb (optional)

Chuck it all in a mason jar, shake like heck, refrigerate overnight.

  • You will need to bring it to room temp to use though, the oil coagulates (such a fun word, no?)

Sorry to suck the fun out of stress-eating but if you have pre-made salad hanging about, rather than pre-made chips, it is super simple to put together a healthy lunch.

Or breakfast :-}

“You can’t veg all day if you don’t start in the morning.”

Buon appetito

Simply yours, Kellie :-}

::Shameless Call To Action::

I sell bookkeeping templates, standard operating process handbooks and client guides.

Kellie Parks, CPB

Cloud Process Creator

I craft processes and automation for future thinking accounting professionals who believe in the mightiness of online technology.

I want every accounting professional to love running a cloud-based business as much as I do. 

Embracing the cloud requires effective best practices, consistent communication and efficient processes, systems and workflows, which is why have dozens of pre-built templates to take the pain of creating optimization in your firm off your plate.

Certified or partnered in over a dozen cloud applications, I’m also a proud member of the Intuit International Trainer Writer Network and the FreshBooks Partner Council.

I am a runner, water/snow skier and live-music fan.

I’m always wondering what you would do more of - outside of work - if processes, automation & apps gave you your life back!?


Fun Is Underrated - Especially in the Workplace


You Can Never Be Too Clear