Stop Loathing What You Do
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
― Maya Angelou
::Together With Financial Cents::
Redefining how accounting firms get work done.
Why You Should Offer Services You Love To Deliver.
Have you ever dilly-dallied on getting a task done (or started) because it is something you loathe doing? Even if it should be at the top of your to-do list. Yet you are still completing the lesser important work because it excites you?
We have all been there. Our time and energy are finite, and we need to streamline what we do if we are going to meet all our commitments. If we are going to get S#!T done, we need to define what we will actually do.
For me, the nemesis is payroll. It’s a lifestyle killer, I really can’t stand it, I’m not good at it, and it riled me when I had to do it. I say “had” - even though it’s grammatically incorrect - because we no longer do it at Calmwaters. What I do look forward to doing is cleaning up and catching up QBO books (I call them remediation files), and I love working on professional services files (now niched down to only accounting firm’s own books). I look forward to opening Dext & QBO and working away in the files, knowing I don’t have to deal with payroll (or inventory and multicurrency). I rarely drag my butt on working on these files.
I honed what I do well and what I love to do, and then I refined my niche around those services. My 5 Star client profile is largely built around the services I offer and the tech I work in. What I often hear folks doing, though, is building their niche around components that don’t include services and tech. They include the usual things like entity type, geography, industry verticle, revenue range, and if the client or prospect is relatable and “nice”.
While all of those things are important in enjoying working with great clients, they will not serve you in getting S#!T done particularly well if you can’t stand the actual work.
I’m not suggesting you give up the heel-dragging yet profitable services.
If you have a team, can you hire for fit and delegate?
I was really starting to get bogged down with the presentations for my teaching and speaking gigs. I was putting them off till the 11th hour, which was rattling me (I’m a if I’m not ahead of schedule, I’m behind gal). I was considering not speaking anymore, even though I love the content writing and speaking parts of my engagements. I found someone a few months ago to take this all off my plate, and now I can simply do the part of that side of my business that I enjoy. It took a few goes to find someone who understood what I wanted the feel of my slide decks to be - the flow I needed, what went on the slide, what went in the notes and what I love for images and icons. If, at first, you don’t find someone to take the stuff you procrastinate on, try and try again.
If you don’t have a team, can you co-firm or find someone else to share the client work with you?
Take on some of the tasks that they don’t find joy in and hand yours off to them. This will help with contingency planning as well. Attending live events or joining communities is a great place to start finding these partners. I met my contingency partner at a live event in 2015, and I have also met so many folks that I can turn to for help or refer work to. I could go on all day about engaging in communities, and sharing or referring work is only the tip of why.
Actually, now I am going to suggest you consider giving up heel-dragging yet profitable services if they are weighing you down.
I realize this is a slightly flaky take, but if you give up (or mindfully replace) the services you shilly-shally on, you will likely replace them with ones you complete with ease and grace. You will create efficiency, and your workday will be one of completing tasks rather than dreading them.
Start making a list of what services you are putting off and what you are leaping into and use those lists to add/remove them to/from your 5 Star client profile, parse out what clients fit that profile and start to feel the satisfaction of getting S#!T done!
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The 5 Star Client Worksheet is a framework for creating a profile of your ideal client.
Map out who you want to work with, what work you want to do, and where you want to do it from - so that you can spend your days in a business you love.
Do you really want to spend your day with clients who don't fit?
Who don't value you?
Who don't pay you enough?
Who you don't get along with?
And how about the drudgery of doing tasks and work you loathe?
Take the time to identify the type of work you like to do, and the traits and characteristics of the businesses, tech, and people you want to work with. This will make your business infinitely more enjoyable... and profitable.
Created by accounting professionals, the 5 Star Client Profile worksheet helps you dig deep to profile businesses, tech, and people you want to work with. To make your business infinitely more enjoyable... and profitable.
What you get:
This worksheet is provided as a Document and a Fillable PDF to help you identify important aspects of what makes a 5 Star Client.
If you've ever tried to do this yourself, you'll know that it can be hard to get clarity when we are so deep in the weeds of our own businesses. This worksheet will challenge you to really question the type of work you want to do and who you want to do it with. It will present ideas you may not have even thought of, and will ask you to question all the things you think you should be doing.
Building the business you love takes intention, and it begins with identifying your 5 Star Client Profile. Watch the short video overview of this worksheet here.
Financial Cents 2024 Workflow Summit
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Unlock the secrets to maximizing your firm's efficiency and productivity through automation at our virtual, one-day summit.
Are you ready to transform your accounting or bookkeeping firm with cutting-edge workflow automation techniques? Join us for the Financial Cents Virtual Workflow Summit, a one-day multi-session event designed to help you set up, manage, and maximize your workflows. This is your chance to learn from industry experts and engage in hands-on workshops that will revolutionize your firm's productivity.
I’m hosting the kick-off session at 10:00 Eastern: Setting Up Workflows and Processes, Pre-Automation.
Learn how to lay the foundation for automation by setting up robust accounting processes and workflows.
Simply yours, Kellie :-}
::Shameless Call To Action::
I sell bookkeeping templates, standard operating process handbooks and client guides.
15% off discount code: BLOG