Why You Should Adopt An Online Scheduler - Right Now.
Setting up an online scheduler will be a tech implementation you will love - and I mean love-love.
Let’s say you have 3 meetings a week (consider yourself lucky), and you spend 10 minutes setting up each meeting (I would think this is an underestimate).
That’s 30 minutes (I’m a bookkeeper; I can do the math). Xs 4 weeks a month. Xs 12 months a year (I’ll let you do that math).
You can set up all your basic needs in an online scheduler - once - in 30 minutes (this is not an underestimate).
This is what the magic looks like when you decide to use an online scheduler that your guests can book automagically with you.
They choose a time you have set as available that works for them.
That sends them a calendar invite
And sends you a notice
Plus, mark it off in your calendar
To set this type of scheduler up is free and will, honest to goodness, take less time to set up than organizing a few meetings!
But then you can add to the magic.
You can set up several meeting types and sync them all back to your main calendar types.
Team member based
You can also add questions to the booking to tell you more about themselves than their name and contact details.
Why they want to book with you
Prospecting questions
Vet the tire-kickers
You can add details to the booking.
Meeting links
Pre-meeting information so they are ready with materials
You can charge them for the meeting before they can confirm their booking with you.
Don’t give away your knowledge!
You can set your hours and block off days - no more being tempted to schedule meetings when you should be doing more rewarding things.
Set your schedule and stick to it
Close off booking days as you start to feel overwhelmed with your workload - I often will close off a Wednesday and Thursday if I’m rattled by Monday or Tuesday
Who are some of the players?
This simple tech implementation will change your day.
I guarantee it - even for the tech-averse.
Kick the monotony of the mundane to the curb, let your scheduler do the heavy lifting of scheduling your meetings and enjoy the rewards of engaging in the work you love.
BTW - it was 1,440 minutes a year. That’s 24 hours a year to do something other than set up 3 meetings a week.
Kellie :-}
::Shameless Call To Action::
I sell cloud accounting templates, standard operating process handbooks and client guides.