I Made a Mistake

Actually, I’ve made too many to count but last week I made a mitake that I want to share.

I got out ahead of myself on my free online scheduler event, in terms of sponsorship.

I did not think it through and put an automated process (or really any process) in place. I just sent out a note to my app partners to see if they wanted to join in, on a bit of a whim.

I had the best of interests for both my app partners and making it free for attendees but all the same… I didn’t set up a process to take me out of the grunt work for it or consider the partner ROI.

A few jumped in right away (thank you!) so I had to send them a “hanging my head” note.

It looked like this:

“I am going to skip sponsorship for the inaugural tech efficiency workshop. I will not bring value to your marketing spend on this.

For starters I’m only at 20 something people so far and some of those did not opt in on marketing.

And I’m at AccountingWeb Live summit this week and I want to be fully present, not putting together/managing social images and content for this workshop. Which I would have to do manually, because my workshop on automation and efficiency does not have a process for - well, automation and efficiency.”

I am sharing my mitake with you because I’m guessing you have made a few too - misery loves company…. What we need to take away is to own them. To fix them as best we can and then move on (or write a blog about it?).

I’ve made bookkeeping client guffaws as well, of course. And I owned them as quickly, gracefully, and humbly as I possibly could.

A recent one I put in the subject line “::Red Faced Kellie::’. If your voice allows for humour to flow naturally, go in that direction too.

Very few honest mitakes will actually end a relationship if you step up and take ownership. You do this right mitakes may create deeper relationships.

But the real learning here for you, from my mitake, is to craft processes before you wade into business relations that have an impact on the stakeholders. Mitakes impact bookkeeping and accounting relationships profoundly, because rotten financials can have huge impacts on your clients.

::Shameless plug::

I sell bookkeeping, onboarding and graceful ending workflow templates, guidebooks, client handbooks and much more.

Some of them are free :-}

Word of the week

Describes me last week. Sorta.

I usually draw positive into my social media universe, but last week I saw red on a controversial trending topic on Twitter.

I decided to be a goof and Tweet about my irritation. I’m also sharing this mitake because, well, I’m on a roll unloading my recent dopiness.

We’ve all sent an email-text-chat note or posted on social something we would love a do-over on. Especially if the real loser was us - if we ain’t going to change someone’s mind about something we are not aligned on it’s likely only sending us down a path with no good outcome for us.

So I come back to this - one of my stalwart rules of social media - “define the outcome you are trying to achieve and craft your message accordingly”.


- said in your head in a loud sing-songy voice

This week is all about AccountingWeb Live Summit, which is where I am.

Catch the fun vicariously on Twitter.


Join Your Peers Here

Next week I’m hosting a FREE workshop.

::This would be the event I misjudged my ability to have sponsored (other than by Rewind, who I am engaged with latitude to set events up with how I think I can help the accounting community)::

  • May 18, 2022

  • 3:00 - 4:00PM

This is a free event, brought to you by the graciousness of Rewind!

Let's get you set up in one of the most efficiency-creating apps in existence - the automagical online scheduler.

Manage your time without wasting your time managing it, have your boundaries enforced for you, get paid for out-of-scope meetings and "I just need to pick your brain a little" asks.

It doesn’t matter what scheduler you want to set up - 17Hats, Acuity, Book Like A Boss, Calendly, TidyCal … they are all great. What matters is you join us to get one set up.

This workshop will make you accountable to subscribe to a scheduler and get the set-up process started.

“Putting on your shoes is the hardest part of going for a run”.

The process is the same for all of the schedulers so let’s do it together so it gets done!

I believe so mightily in their power, I really, really want to get everyone up and running in a scheduler!

*This is a live workshop and will not be recorded.

What’s Cooking?

 I’m going to make this section super short this week and give you my #1 rule of great cooking…

Marinate the guests.

Buon appetito

Simply yours, Kellie :-}

::Shameless Call To Action::

I sell bookkeeping templates, standard operating process handbooks and client guides.

Kellie Parks, CPB

Cloud Process Creator

I craft processes and automation for future thinking accounting professionals who believe in the mightiness of online technology.

I want every accounting professional to love running a cloud-based business as much as I do. 

Embracing the cloud requires effective best practices, consistent communication and efficient processes, systems and workflows, which is why have dozens of pre-built templates to take the pain of creating optimization in your firm off your plate.

Certified or partnered in over a dozen cloud applications, I’m also a proud member of the Intuit International Trainer Writer Network and the FreshBooks Partner Council.

I am a runner, water/snow skier and live-music fan.

I’m always wondering what you would do more of - outside of work - if processes, automation & apps gave you your life back!?


After Action Review


Sustainable Client Loyalty