A Time to Pause and Reflect
I considered whether I should be blogging at all right now.
It seemed a little frivolous.
I am so saddened by the geopolitical events in Eastern Europe right now.
As of course, are many of us.
I have zero - as in absolutely zero - understanding of what is going on with Russia and Ukraine right now. There will be no armchair political rhetoric from me.
What I do know, however, is that many people who, until recently led lives just like ours, have had their world up-ended. And I wanted to throw out a little context to who these people are.
Dext has a dev team in Belarus. One of them hails from Ukraine, Aleksandra. I have had the great pleasure of working with the lot of them. They are fantastic listeners and care to solve the problems we as accounting professionals have. I had given them a basic rundown of a feature I deeply wanted - to be able to automagically download all uploaded documents. They came back with a product 90% of the way there - wasting none of my time - and we nuanced the last little bits together.
One of my clients has proprietary software to run their business. They work with a development company who is located in Ukraine. This software and the people behind it keep my client’s business humming, providing a very necessary service here in Canada.
These people could be you.
Ukrainians have jobs and businesses - work they value that needs to get done. They love potato chips and loathe liver. They are men & women, girls & boys, straight & LGBTQ, young, middle-age & old. They have families & pets, who are loved and need to be cared for. They were planning children’s birthday parties & weddings & funerals, gathering for coffee & meals with friends, renovating homes they loved or planning to move from ones they didn’t, riding their Peletons, shopping for the necessities & the niceties…
All the things we do.
They are not just numbers, they are souls.
Take pause for a minute and imagine the trauma of what they are going through as it relates to your life. Put yourself in their shoes because we could be wearing the very same ones were it not for our geographical fortune.
Word of the week
Interesting - the origin of this word - given the world events now.
“An independent trade union movement in Poland that developed into a mass campaign for political change and inspired popular opposition to communist regimes across Eastern Europe during the 1980s.”
- said in your head in a loud sing-songy voice
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In The Workflow Wateringhole Group Kimme Lafayette asked what we were all doing to keep track of random notes. It was a great question and generated a wide range of answers. Showing once more there is no right answer to how to get schtuff under control and that we need to find the best fit for our own quirky little needs.
As with many things in the world right now, illusions can be deceiving. Some are fraught with malice. But others can be cool and interesting - like these.
I was hosted on the Karbon Accounting Leaders Podcast recently.
If you like ski-chatter and podcast hosts trying to keep their guests on track, then tune in for a listen.
What’s Cooking?
Veggie Packed Cauliflower Rice
This is an interesting take on regular fried rice - imagine the yumminess of this as breakfast leftovers.
Toss a bag of riced cauliflower and your favourite fresh (you can buy bags of these already cut up for you too) or frozen veggies into a skillet with a high-heat oil plus a dash of sesame oil
Add a scrambled egg
Push the veg out to the sides of the pan, drop in the scrambled egg and mix with a fork until cooked, then mix with the veg
Season with soy sauce
“You can’t veg all day if you don’t start in the morning.”
In solidarity, Kellie :-}
::Shameless Call To Action::
I sell bookkeeping templates, standard operating process handbooks and client guides.