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Google Webinar Workshops


Google Webinar Workshops

November 24 & 26, Dec 1, 3, 8, 10th. Twice a week, 3 weeks, 1 hour each workshop. Recorded.

Rock your accounting processes and communications.

  1. Slides to build client and internal communications.

  2. Forms to build info gathering, surveys and checklists.

  3. Docs to build contracts, including how to rock “find&replace”.

  4. Gmail templates and snippets to create ready to go emails.

  5. Sheets to build workflows and tie all the above together - that you can use forever as your onboarding system. Sheets to build your process map to import into project/practice management apps.

  6. Final workshop to pull them together and other productivity tech tips.

Six - 1hour, workshops.

$350.00 CAD + pesky HST

50% discount on my templates, including the SOPs.

Here’s a link to the basic agenda.

November 19

Building a Client On-boarding Workflow in a Spreadsheet

March 3

Cloud Fintech Efficiency Webbie