Swiping Right - Creating a Sweetheart Client Profile
A mastermind session, in Jason Staats’s Realize Community, on defining who you want to work with, what services you want to offer and what technology you want to use.
This month, we define who we want to collaborate with!
Join us as we move through a worksheet and a lively discussion on what are your sweetheart clients.
Your sweetheart client is not just what their personality, niche or demographic profile looks like. In this masterclass, we look deeper at what makes our clients sweethearts - from providing only services you love and technology you are confident working in - we will add depth to the traditional “ideal client profile”.
This is a monthly series on client engagements I’ve developed just for the Realize Community event series. You must be a member to participate.
I highly recommend you join Jason Staats's amazing group - you will love it there!