Universal Accounting GrowCon 2023
I’m hosting a session at GrowCon for my very first time.
Our session is all about change management in a cloud-based world.
“Change is Hard. Not Changing will be harder.” (TM)
A discussion on iterating on solid processes you have, moving on from poor ones and embracing cloud technology and automation to power your processes.
Why you shouldn’t fear change - embrace it
Why you need to adopt a leap of faith mentality for Cloud technology
How to analyze what’s going well
How to analyze what stinks
Why you should always be iterating
Why GrowCon is the BEST live experience for Business Owners of Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Preparation Companies:
Make valuable connections with others in the industry...connections that will greatly impact your business.
Mastermind, share the latest trade ideas and build referrals for each other!
Learn the latest tips, technologies, software and tools to improve your productivity and systems and find effective ways to strengthen your mindset, allowing for more success!
Come find out how to market your business to get more clients, scale your business, so you are not doing all the work and grow your network and connections, opening the path for organic growth!
GC23-KM-FEB Will give you $350 off in the month of February for GrowCon or the bundle of GrowCon & PreCon
GC23-KM-MAR Will give you $300 off the event in the month of March