Define What You Want To Do and Who You Want To Do It With

And then buckle down to make it happen.

I am going through big changes in my business right now. And as I preach “Change is hard. Not changing will be harder.”

I have really nailed down the lifestyle I want. I think many of you may be navel-gazing right now as well. The last few years have got a lot of folks re-evaluating their lives and their work.

I want to work around 30 hours a week, less in the winter, most of it unscheduled time to accommodate my husband’s unique business life. We want to have the freedom and flexibility to take off in the fishing season when he has a day or three off and is not travelling to host shows, and in the other seasons when he is not guiding at all.

Of course, the businesses I run need to accommodate this, and one of them isn’t. I am not building to scale, I am 100% running a lifestyle business. I had to get my act together.

Read on - or scroll quickly - there’s a few nuggets you will likely relate to, and I do get around to asking what you are doing to define your 5-Star business after I tell you how I went about changing mine.

I had defined my bookkeeping 5-Star clients and business quite a few years ago.

Calmwaters Cloud Accounting;

  1. Incorporated businesses, often multi-entity, with no or light touch inventory

  2. Highly involved owners

  3. Payroll is done by a service provider

  4. All accounts receivables are managed by the business

  5. Targeting project work - the “love ‘em and leave ‘em” engagements - that I can choose to take on when I have bandwidth

  6. All collaboration is done in my cloud tech-stack, from anywhere I choose to do the work

Of course, not all my work is 5-Star - I am doing payroll short-term for 1 client who is in a pickle team-wise - but I’m pretty darn close on it.

The 5-Star Cloud Accounting Resource business was much harder for me to pin down.

  • One-to-one coaching is

    1. Highly scheduled

    2. Sometimes I was working with folks who were not as committed to cloud transformation as I was

  • I wasn’t dedicating enough focus on the template revenue stream - aka; somewhat passive income, that I love to develop, iterate and implement on no schedule

  • I was feeling stuck with app advocacy as there was so much virtual webbie work with no participant engagement, which I was coming to loathe

So, in the last few months, I really buckled down to define my 5-Star clients in this business entity.

Here’s how it looks now.

Cloud Accounting Resources;

  1. Crafting processes & automation for forward-thinking accounting professionals

  2. Iterating & selling cloud accounting templates

  3. App advocacy involves live events, content creation & some meeting-style virtuals

  4. Short-term, laser-focused coaching of accounting professionals who are hell-bent on implementing cloud tech and automation

  5. Occasional workshops hosted by me on cloud tech implementation

My branding was now completely misaligned with the services I am going to provide. This is where the hard part of my change began.

I had started using the business name “Saasy Accounting Coach”*. Two and a half years ago I had a website framed and largely executed by a design service - aka; I had thrown some money at it. The coaching was front and centre in all the content, product images, blogs & email CTAs**, and many pages were dedicated to it. My bios that were out in the world and my socials all matched with the branding. It was going to be a fustercluck to change everything.

At the beginning of June, I decided to get moving on it. I hired Bluesprout Marketing to get the planning and plotting done. Jaime and I worked out the strategic plan and I knew everything I was going to have to do to execute this change.

I can write copy (ish), and light code. I can certainly make all the changes to my Squarespace store & website. I had a marketing biz forever - I can do the work on executing it.

Ahhh… just because you can do something, does not mean you should do something.

Within a week I realized I needed to keep focused on only the work I should do - keeping my clients’ financials in real-time, chugging on a big rescue project I have on the go, and fulfilling my app advocacy engagements. Plus I am trying to stay the course on not living at my computer.

I needed to hire out what someone else can do - likely better. So I did. My template store is being revitalized. That elusive SEO is being optimized. My previous blogs are being reviewed, edited and current call-to-actions are being added**.

All in all “this no be cheap”. But it will certainly deliver the ROI for the business I am dreaming of.

Now back to you.

What have you done to define what your 5-Star Client looks like?

  • Who do you want to work with?

  • What technology do you want to work in?

  • What services do you want to provide?

And what do you want your business to look like?

  • Are you empire-building?

  • Are you hoping for a lifestyle business?

  • Are you building a business to provide employment for only you?

  • Is your business a passion project?

Will you take on the heavy seas? Plot a course for change? And take action to make your 5-Star dreams come true?***

Tech Tip - QuickBooks Online

- All of my template workflows include details like this, and my Standard Operating Process Guides are start to finish standards for apps and internal processes

Quickbooks Online Bank Rules Automation Gone Wild:

Generally, I don’t automate the rules, but often others do. And then it’s a game of Whack-A-Mole for them when transactions need to be deleted and they have been added with an automated rule.

If books need to be cleaned up or the feeds have gone wild, before you do any work, go into the bank feed rules and un-automate them.

  • They will have a little green + in the Auto-Add column

  • Click on the ones you need to deal with in the far left column

  • Batch Actions will appear

  • Choose “Disable”

  • Pull back transactions from the bank feed, “Categorized” tab, into the “For review” tab

  • Exclude

  • Reconcile

  • Delete the exclusions from the feed

  • Rules > Batch click again and “Enable”

This is a super quick action to take and you can easily re-enable them once you have cleaned up the file.

Featured Template


Featured Template ~~~

15% off discount code: BLOG

5 Star Client Profile Worksheet - Revised December 2024

The 5 Star Client Worksheet is a framework for creating a profile of your ideal client.

Map out who you want to work with, what work you want to do, and where you want to do it from - so that you can spend your days in a business you love.

Do you really want to spend your day with clients who don't fit?

  • Who don't value you?

  • Who don't pay you enough?

  • Who you don't get along with?

  • And how about the drudgery of doing tasks and work you loathe?

Take the time to identify the type of work you like to do, and the traits and characteristics of the businesses, tech, and people you want to work with. This will make your business infinitely more enjoyable... and profitable.

Created by accounting professionals, the 5 Star Client Profile worksheet helps you dig deep to profile businesses, tech, and people you want to work with. To make your business infinitely more enjoyable... and profitable.

What you get:

This worksheet is provided as a Document and a Fillable PDF to help you identify important aspects of what makes a 5 Star Client.

If you've ever tried to do this yourself, you'll know that it can be hard to get clarity when we are so deep in the weeds of our own businesses. This worksheet will challenge you to really question the type of work you want to do and who you want to do it with. It will present ideas you may not have even thought of, and will ask you to question all the things you think you should be doing.

Building the business you love takes intention, and it begins with identifying your 5 Star Client Profile. Watch the short video overview of this worksheet here.


- said in your head in a loud sing-songy voice

I have a Facebook Community.

It’s all about processes, systems, best practices, workflows and the apps that power them.

I would love for you to join the discussion!

Join Your Peers Here

Financial Cents Monthly Meetup - Pricing Chat

  • Thursday, July 28, 2022

  • 1:00 PM 2:00 PM

Shahram Zarshenas, CEO of Financial Cents, and I will be hosting a workshop where we will be chatting with everyone about pricing.

What’s going well, what’s not working, idea sharing on all things pricing.

This isn’t a Kellie & Shahram yickity-yack session; it’s an actionable workshop where you will leave with a list of quick-to-implement automation and perhaps will have even set a few up!

We will all be cameras on, mics open - this is about you so let’s hear your voice and see your face!

Simply yours, Kellie :-}

::Shameless Call To Action::

I sell bookkeeping templates, standard operating process handbooks and client guides.

15% off discount code: BLOG

*Get it… Saasy, the cute play on Saas, though every time I said it I felt silly and I really missed my brand name Calmwaters.*

**Call me crazy, but if I want to have very little one-to-one coaching I really shouldn’t have a Call To Action that states how to book with me. What does your CTA do to drive a business you will love?

*** There are people to help you with the change. Do what I am doing, lean into getting help!

Kellie Parks, CPB

Cloud Process Creator

I craft processes and automation for future-thinking accounting professionals who believe in the mightiness of online technology.

I want every accounting professional to love running a cloud-based business as much as I do. 

Embracing the cloud requires effective best practices, consistent communication, and efficient processes, systems, and workflows. That's why we have dozens of pre-built templates to take the pain out of creating optimization in your firm.

Certified or partnered in over a dozen cloud applications, Alumni Intuit International Trainer Writer Network and the FreshBooks Partner Council.

I am a runner, water/snow skier and live-music fan.

I’m always wondering what you would do more of—outside of work—if processes, automation, and apps gave you your life back.

Pricing Is One of the Hardest Aspects of a Business To Nail Down


I’m Having a Frustrating Day