The Cloud Accounting Blog

-Simplify, Techify, Solve-

Loads of useful information and advice for your business.

Resources to create respectful client relationships, learn best practices, vet applications and general cloud knowledge.

Client Engagement - Cloud Security - Cloud Technology - Efficiency - Marketing - Musings - QuickBooks Online

Musings, Efficiency Kellie Parks, CPB Musings, Efficiency Kellie Parks, CPB

Why, Oh Why, Don’t We Delegate More?

My friend ChatGPT listed a few other reasons why we don’t delegate. These aren’t my reasons, but for those of you who are like me and aren’t delegating some of the silly things we should, they may resonate.

  • Lack of trust

  • Perfectionism

  • Lack of delegation skills

  • Fear of Repercussions

  • Lack of Awareness

  • Insecurity

  • Perceived Costs

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Musings Kellie Parks, CPB Musings Kellie Parks, CPB

Hey, Hi, I Missed You All!

I have been hitting the road pretty hard these last five weeks.

And when I haven’t been away (and the week leading up to August 28th), I’ve been crafting my content for eight - count ‘em, eight - live and virtual sessions that I hosted/am hosting between the end of August and tomorrow. That’s a ton of content, and I still need to manage my wee bookkeeping firm, work with my app partners and keep my templates fresh.

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Client Engagement, Musings Kellie Parks, CPB Client Engagement, Musings Kellie Parks, CPB

Setting Client Expectations And Managing Boundaries

I have written previously that my husband, Jeff, has a few organizational quirks, such as not embracing naming conventions, but he excels at setting expectations and enforcing boundaries.

He has a fly fishing guiding company, Calmwaters Fly Fishing, which is committed to the preservation of fish for generations to come, so they are a catch-and-release guiding company and use barbless hooks on their flies. He gets many inquiries from anglers who would like to keep their fish, and he always says no to these requests. Always…

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Cloud Technology, QuickBooks Online Kellie Parks, CPB Cloud Technology, QuickBooks Online Kellie Parks, CPB

My RightTool Journey: Part Two

I have been using RightTool since last Fall, and I am smitten with how it has taken so much of the “ughness” out of QuickBooks Online.

It’s no secret that I love QBO. It’s also no secret that QBO has some irritations, particularly with efficiency and user experience. This is a large part of peeps hesitation to move from QuickBooks Desktop; the smooth, efficient experience that desktop has. RightTool, by and large, solves this.

“RightTool creates the QuickBooks Desktop efficiency we crave in the QuickBooks Online we love.”

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Musings, Efficiency, Cloud Technology Kellie Parks, CPB Musings, Efficiency, Cloud Technology Kellie Parks, CPB

Does Your App Stack Resemble Our Landscaping Equipment?

Oh, dear!

It may not look like it, but our golf-cart-child-wagon combo is heckishly convenient and fun for small jobs - and for my doggos - they love a golf cart ride. Heck, who doesn’t love a golf cart ride⁉️

But it’s not the most efficient setup for actual yard work. It is simple for small one-off jobs like taking away downed twigs and garden debris. Quick, no fuss, toss a bag of plant material in the back and off we go simple.

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Musings, Client Engagement Kellie Parks, CPB Musings, Client Engagement Kellie Parks, CPB

Do You Have Tippet Clients?

If you have read my musings in the past, you will know that my husband and I have two Australian Shepards. I have written that the one on the left, Sharkie, is a gentle beauty, and the one on the right, Tippet, is…well.. enthusiastic.

And anxious.

And unruly.

And doesn’t listen.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again “Letting go of clients is hard”. Really, really hard. I am never going to minimize the hand-wringing of churning out clients. But you should start to identify which clients are Tippet clients.

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Cloud Technology, Efficiency Kellie Parks, CPB Cloud Technology, Efficiency Kellie Parks, CPB

Batch, Filter, And Sort Your Way To Efficiency: Accounting Apps Edition

AI and automation are getting all the glory right now. They are amazing for productivity; there’s no doubt about that.

But our apps' batch (bulk), filter, and sort features rarely get their moment in the sun. Individually or a combination of them is one of the things I look for when choosing new technology.

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Musings, Client Engagement Kellie Parks, CPB Musings, Client Engagement Kellie Parks, CPB

Stop Cooking With Cheese

A cool reverse advertising campaign run by The Cossette Group for The Canadian Dairy Farmers more than 17 years ago, has stuck with me. The tagline was “Stop Cooking With Cheese”, and I use the saying often.

It was based on the premise that parents wanted to get their twenty-something-year-olds out of the house, but they were taking too good of care of them - they were not motivating them to leave. Cooking with cheese is obviously amazing (if you don’t like cheese, you are probably an alien…), so why would anyone leave a house that cooks with it?

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Client Engagement Kellie Parks, CPB Client Engagement Kellie Parks, CPB

4 Strategies to Avoid Deadline Chaos

We have all been there with clients pushing us against the wall on deadlines.

  • Last-minute government filings

  • “Emergency” calls on financials for loan documents

  • Banks freezing accounts

  • Payroll not hitting employee bank accounts

You can all name numerous instances where clients have waited until the 11th hour to supply documents, approve reports or let you know trouble & required information deadlines are brewing.

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Kellie Parks, CPB Kellie Parks, CPB

Gifting My Accounting Community A Blog Content Idea

Gifts aren't meant to be kept by us, but to be shared with everyone.

I am working with an app partner on some resource content for their SMB audience. I have been giving them a few ideas, and one topic that I thought was important to communicate to SMBs did not resonate with them. I had crafted the outline, and now it’s burning a hole in a Google Doc. I don’t blog or email on SMB topics, but I want this content to go out, not go to waste.

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Musings, Efficiency Kellie Parks, CPB Musings, Efficiency Kellie Parks, CPB

Consistency Is Critical For Communications, Processes And Documentation

I made a playlist for hiking; it has music from Peanuts, The Cranberries, and Eminem.

I call it my Trail Mix.

My husband, Jeff Parks, crafts the most awesome playlists. We have a fun little cabin filled with family, friends, and music. Lots of music. Our 1,200 sqft home has 17 connected Sonos devices, and almost always, one of Jeff’s playlists is running. People love his playlists and are constantly asking him to share them, which is easy to do from one Spotify account to another.

Unless you don’t have a consistent naming pattern - naming convention - for your lists.

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Cloud Technology, Efficiency Kellie Parks, CPB Cloud Technology, Efficiency Kellie Parks, CPB

Keys To Building A Tech Stack For Cloud Accounting Firms

I was invited to be on The Appy Hour earlier this week.

It was so fun to be hanging out with two of my dear APIAs*, Heather Satterly and Liz Scott. They are super bright, forward thinking, collaborating women. I love being in their presence!

The topic was discussing my app stack: how I choose it and what it does for me.

I had an Doc outline of what we were going to discuss, and I copied my thoughts into the chat as we were going through the webbie. Then this morning I realized it would be of value to share that outline here on my blog.

It’s point form, it’s somewhat messy, it’s incomplete in the scope of choosing your tech stack - but “done is better than perfect”!

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