The Cloud Accounting Blog
-Simplify, Techify, Solve-
Loads of useful information and advice for your business.
Resources to create respectful client relationships, learn best practices, vet applications and general cloud knowledge.
Client Engagement - Cloud Security - Cloud Technology - Efficiency - Marketing - Musings - QuickBooks Online
I Made a Mistake
Actually, I’ve made too many to count but last week I made a mitake that I want to share.
I got out ahead of myself on my free online scheduler event, in terms of sponsorship.
I did not think it through and put an automated process (or really any process) in place. I just sent out a note to my app partners to see if they wanted to join in, on a bit of a whim.
Sustainable Client Loyalty
A blog about dogs and loyalty. We can learn a lot about it from our canine friends.
Take a few minutes to assess if you are creating sustainable client loyalty.
Work through what you are doing well and craft up ways to improve where you are falling down.
Creating a Great Client Experience for Tax Filing
My corporate and personal tax experience is a calm and, dare I say, enjoyable (almost) one.
My tax dude, Mike, sends a Typeform , I fill in only new/changed info.
Then he sends a Karbon checklist, which auto-nags me to get my shit into him - including warnings of the consequences of missing his deadlines.
Next up is an Ignition engagement with the option to pay for and schedule a tax planning meeting - right, this is extra and I have to commit to it with my wallet.
He uses RightSignature for me to sign off on my tax returns.
All of it is automagical!
I’m a Lucky Duck
Yesterday I celebrated my 60th year of being 5 feet above.
I am off making poor life choices in Key West as this blog is posting. Not all my friends have had the same privilege. So I never lose sight of how precious life is, and how fun it can be.
A lot of the fun comes from embracing change and adapting.
A Time to Pause and Reflect
I considered whether I should be blogging at all right now.
It seemed a little frivolous.
I am so saddened by the geopolitical events in Eastern Europe right now.
As of course, are many of us.
I have zero - as in absolutely zero - understanding of what is going on with Russia and Ukraine right now. There will be no armchair political rhetoric from me.
What I do know, however, is that many people who until recently led lives just like ours have had their world up-ended. And I wanted to throw out a little context to who these people are.
Fun Is Underrated - Especially in the Workplace
Especially in the workplace.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
- Arthur C Clark 1962 - Hazards of Prophecy: The Failure of Imagination
And magic is undeniably fun.
Hiring Sucks
This week’s note is short and sweet.
It’s to the point on how to find team members.
Actually, it’s two the point - it features two hiring options you should check out.
I “don’t do hiring consulting” and personally only have 1 team member (she’s kickin’ - I’m a lucky duck). But I see so many people struggling with this, and since I am a fan of these programs mentioned here, I wanted to share.
You Can Never Be Too Clear
I don’t do payroll.
Well, actually the true story is I didn’t do payroll. I do now.
My clients have either been big enough to look after it start-to-finish or they used a service. But I now have 2 clients whose payroll I manage and I’ve learned a few things along this journey.
The most enlightening being you can never be too clear.
I am doing the T4 (you Americans would call this the W-2) reconciliations for my clients right now. This involves sharing a copy with each of their team members and having them double-check them for names, Social Insurance Numbers (Social Security Numbers), addresses, anticipated earnings and the like.
I am astounded at the changes that I am needing to make to these!
Your Good People
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
Ryunosuke Satoro
Who are you hanging out with these days?
But the better question is “why are you hanging out with them?”
Are they positively influencing you? Reinforcing the best of you? Do they represent your values and drive your best you forward? Do they make you feel good about your best self and lift your not-feeling-good-about-you-self up? Are they a collective force for good?
Or are they reinforcing the worst of you? Pushing your self-worth down? Are they self-aggrandizing? Creating chaos and disharmony for you and for others? The collective good is of no interest to them.
Reality Check
It’s the bluest time of the year.
I’m sure many of you may be feeling the effects of shorter days, colder weather and an impending tax season.
Plus, you may be feeling like the only one who doesn’t have their act together on everything (anything…). You are comparing your reality with your picture of your peers’ “success”.
Worse, maybe you aren’t even considering yourself a peer of people with a big social footprint (BSF’rs).
Well here’s a reality check for you. No one - and I mean no one - has it all together, all the time. And for some, it’s a challenge to get it together even some of the time…
Communications Disconnect
It’s interesting times for clear directions.
I’m going to preface this discussion with I wouldn’t want to be making Covid decisions for the masses & imparting them. I have the utmost empathy and admiration for anyone trying to keep us safe from our silly selves. And I am more than happy to follow whatever directives I can figure out - I’ll do my part willingly.
Accessing Apps When You Don’t Have Your 2FA Authenticator - Using 2FA Backup Codes
I recently realized that not everyone knows about app-generated, copy/paste 2FA back up codes.
I was posting about sharing 2FA codes with team members in my FBGroup and an inquiry came up asking what these wee bits of magical security are (the inquirer didn’t call them “wee bits of magical security”, that’s all me). I couldn’t find a good article to reply with about them that wasn’t app-specific.
So I decided a quick overview - right here, right now - was in order.
Wrangling Emails Starts With One Thing…
So make your one thing for this week relentless unsubscribing!
Except for this newsletter of course!
Real People
I’m still pausing (aka hanging out on Estero Island, Florida) to try to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. But I did go to Scaling New Heights last week and that definitely gave me some insight into one thing.
I am going again!
It’s back to its usual time slot in June. If you can swing this one or any of the upcoming #InRealLifeConferences I suggest you do.
Be Crystal Clear
Using tech to create 5 Star Client Experiences
We have had many renovations done over the years. Some went better than others.
The one thing that was consistent with the great experiences were great processes that were clearly communicated.
We have another one coming up in January and we are using a contractor that we used previously. We loved our experience with them and are happy to be having them do the work again.
Who Doesn’t Love a One-Liner?
What is the definition of an accountant?
Someone who solves a problem you did not know you had in a way you don’t understand.
Now back to the real purpose of this note…
Next week I am leading a session on branding and marketing for accounting professionals with the Dext Academy.
Last week I suggested some homework for it - visualizing your best you and what you want your business to look like.
Visualize Your Best You
Start to visualize - really, really visualize - the 5 Star Business, the 5 Star Client and the 5 Star You that you desire.
Make some quiet time just for you, create stillness in your mind. Close your eyes, picture what kind of business you want to run, what kind of accounting professional you want to be and what your rewarding life-work would look like.
I Could But I Didn’t
I’ve changed that to “I could so I did”.
This blog is super personal about what I am up to in the next little while and why.
But it’s also about you.
Why are you doing what you do?
Why are you doing it how you do it?
Are you on a path that’s good for you and those around you or do you need to find another trail?
Can you take a breath and re-think what isn’t giving you joy, what you can give up and what you can re-align?
You Get What You Pay For
"It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price"- Warren Buffet
It's also far better to adopt a wonderful app at a fair price than a fair app at a wonderful price.
Or a free app that sucks the time and efficiency out of your business rather than enhancing it.
Going All In on a Password Manager App
"If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?"- Joe Nameth
I have chatted before about back-ups, data location redundancy and internet security. Some of you may have listened to me go on about the need to adopt a cloud security policy and communicating it - some of you have done my workshop on it.